Identify the pathology of the fetus has become easier. DOT test
The birth of a child is a great happiness in the life of a family. And of course, every mother first of all wants her child to be born healthy.…

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What mental diseases are inherited
Are mental diseases inherited? This question worries many parents. After all, it is very scary to “reward” your child with a mental disorder. How are mental illnesses transmitted? The fact…

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How antibiotics work: when they are effective and useless
Some swallow antibiotics at the slightest coryza, others categorically refuse to take them even with severe pneumonia, considering them terribly harmful. Both that and other approach is absolutely wrong. Antibiotics…

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hour earlier

How to escape when everyone around is sick?

Since autumn, the cold season begins, a little later the flu epidemic comes to us. And so it goes on all winter: coughing, sneezing, smarting citizens surround us on the street, in transport, in the office. Well, if someone from the family gets sick, then it’s generally very difficult to protect oneself. Continue reading

Influenza and SARS in children with allergies. How to help the child?
Do you know the situation when a child is like a few days in a kindergarten, and then for 2-3 weeks he is ill at home? Everything is even worse…


What is dangerous rubella in adults
German measles, rubella rubella, rubella - behind all these names lies rubella, a viral disease related to childhood infections. Children are more susceptible to this infection, but an adult can…
