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How to distinguish angina from colds

Angina, probably, at least once in a life has had everybody. What is this disease? What are its causes, and most importantly, what to do with angina?

An acute infection that affects mainly the tonsils is a sore throat, or, strictly in a scientific way, acute tonsillitis.

What are the causes of angina?
This infection is mainly caused by bacteria, mostly streptococcus. But the causative agent is a fungus, and a virus.

Quite often, a sore throat becomes a complication of a respiratory viral infection, the well-known ARVI. Then they talk about the accession of a bacterial infection.

How is sore throat transmitted? Infected with angina most often through airborne droplets, although sometimes transmission can also occur through everyday objects.

As a rule, children, elderly and weakened people suffer from angina. And this is not by chance. The fact is that the amygdala are the organs of the immune system and one of their functions is not to let the pathogens into the body. But when the immune system is not strong enough, weakened by other diseases, the tonsils do not cope with the task of protection, they are affected by pathogenic microorganisms and their inflammation develops.

When immunity weakens bacteria inhabit the human body
The reasons contributing to the occurrence of angina include:

chronic tonsillitis – a sluggish inflammation of the tonsils, developed as a result of numbed sore throat;
available foci of infection in the mouth, nasal cavity, pharynx – caries, sinusitis, adenoids, etc.
general hypothermia and hypothermia;
constant inhalation of dirty air, for example in hazardous industries.
What is a sore throat?

According to the degree of damage to the tonsils are distinguished:

catarrhal sore throat – inflammatory process captures the tonsils mucous, they are red and swollen. This is the mildest form of the disease;
lacunar sore throat – lacunae are affected – winding channels of the tonsils, a characteristic sign – white plaque;
follicular sore throat – in this case follicles appear on the tonsils, filled with pus – this is a severe form of acute tonsillitis;
combined angina – both lacunar and follicular tonsillitis develop simultaneously. It flows very hard.
How does sore throat manifest?
This acute infection begins violently:

high temperature – 38 ° C and higher, depending on the form of angina;
general weakness malaise;
Typically, sore throat appears with high fever.
All these symptoms are characteristic of other infections, in particular flu, ARVI. How to distinguish angina from other colds and infectious diseases? Sore throat has one characteristic feature – a sore throat, and not tickling, as with SARS or pharyngitis, namely pain. At the same time, pain occurs when swallowing, even with “empty” swallowing.

Other symptoms of the disease:

red throat (catarrhal form), white plaque or the appearance of pustules;
swollen lymph nodes
bad breath.
Can a sore throat be without temperature
Sometimes acute tonsillitis is atypical, that is, with a normal or slightly elevated temperature. This happens mainly in adults if angina is catarrhal.

Without fever, people with acutely reduced immunity are ill. These are elderly people, as well as people suffering from immunodeficiency (HIV, AIDS, hepatitis C, cancer).

Normal temperature in acute tonsillitis is observed in women waiting for a child, which is associated with hormonal changes in the body.

Often such a sore throat is taken for a cold and not treated. And this can cause severe complications or the disease becomes chronic.
Angina without fever can be caused by a fungal infection. Then the patient has no characteristic symptoms: pain and discomfort when swallowing, headache, weakness. And the disease will manifest as a cheesy patina on the tonsils, a dry mouth, an unpleasant smell.

What to do with angina?
If you notice signs of sore throat, you need to contact a specialist. You can not prescribe a medication or try to cope with the disease grandmother’s methods. With angina are not joking. If not treated or treated incorrectly, you can earn:

chronic tonsillitis, and then sore throat will torment you regularly;
bronchitis, laryngitis or abscess;
rheumatism of the joints or the heart;
pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis.
Herbal decoctions help with angina
As a rule, antibiotics are used for quinsy. What exactly – the doctor chooses. But antibiotics alone are not enough.

To remove the suppuration, rinse the throat every hour and a half – with herbal decoction, a solution of soda and salt, furatsilinom, chlorhexidine, etc. After rinsing for half an hour you can not eat and eat.

The tonsils are irrigated with antimicrobials.

If the temperature has risen to 38 ° C and higher, antipyretic agents are needed, wraps are recommended for small children.

To relieve swelling, you can use antihistamines.

Special lollipops will help to remove the pain.

In case of sore throat, you need to drink a lot, especially warm juice will be useful.

Food should be soft and warm (not hot or cold) so as not to irritate the sore throat.

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