Why does a person snore in a dream
According to medical records, snoring is observed in 25% of the adult population. As a rule, a snoring person does not feel discomfort, first of all, close people who can…

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What can be infected when swimming and how to avoid it
As soon as warm days are established, the first most seasoned citizens open the swimming season. Well, when the heat comes, literally everything rushes to the water. On such days,…

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Immunomodulators and immunostimulants: the truth and myths about magic pills
If they used to say that all diseases are from nerves, now they are blamed for weakened immunity. In order to strengthen it, a large number of various means are…

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Differences of viral infection from bacterial

Acute respiratory diseases always appear inappropriate. Yesterday the body was full of strength, but today weakness, fever, runny nose just fell down. To find the right treatment, you need to figure out who was responsible for the disease – viruses or bacteria. Of course, it’s not easy to do it yourself. Still, there are some tips on how to distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial infection. Continue reading

Unusual Diseases: Stone Man Syndrome

The stone man’s syndrome in medicine is called progressive ossifying fibrodysplasia, or Müncheimer’s disease. This is a genetic pathology that is caused by a mutation of the gene responsible for bone formation. Its essence lies in the fact that the patient ligaments and muscles turn into bones, as a result, a person ossifies or stiffens. Hence the name – stone man syndrome.

This disease is known since the end of the XVII century, then it was first described. The disease is extremely rare. Now, according to various sources, there are 600, 800 or 2500 patients in the world. Continue reading

Is it possible to cure a cold in one day?
No one is immune to cold. And for some reason, she always overtakes us at the wrong time: before the exam in charge, on the eve of an important meeting,…


Why does a person snore in a dream
According to medical records, snoring is observed in 25% of the adult population. As a rule, a snoring person does not feel discomfort, first of all, close people who can…
