Reasons to seek advice from genetics
What does a geneticist do? Medical genetics is a part of human genetics that studies diseases and pathologies caused by heredity. A geneticist studies hereditary diseases and the conditions under…

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High-risk oncogenic HPV: what is the danger?
Ordinary wart and malignant tumor - what do they have in common? No, no, the wart does not turn into cancer. However, there is something that unites them - is…

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Why does a person snore in a dream
According to medical records, snoring is observed in 25% of the adult population. As a rule, a snoring person does not feel discomfort, first of all, close people who can…

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everyday life we ​​also

Rubella and pregnancy: what is the danger?

Despite the fact that rubella is a so-called childhood infection and children up to 8–9 years old are susceptible to it, adults also suffer from the disease. They, unlike children, the disease is much more severe, its symptoms are more pronounced, and most importantly, it can give serious complications to the brain, internal organs, joints, blood system. Continue reading

How we age: what happens to us and how to deal with it
In 20 years you don’t think about old age, but after 30 you start to feel the inexorable movement of time. Is it possible to postpone the natural aging process?…


What is not to get sick
Our immune system constantly protects us from many different pathogens: viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa. But sometimes the immune system weakens, and then the disease takes over. To maintain the immune…
