In which ear buzzes: with what is tinnitus connected
In which ear rings? Familiar phrase? The appearance of an unpleasant whistling or monotonous ringing in the auricle can seriously annoy a person and reduce the quality of life. However,…

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The dangers of beach holidays in the winter
Sunbathing, swimming, enjoying exotic dishes, admiring the lush nature is a very tempting prospect, especially when it is winter, frost and snow at home. But in order for such a…

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Getting rid of coughing right
Cough accompanies many different diseases. It may be minor. In this case, a person has only a slight cough. Or, on the contrary, a cough can become painful. This symptom…

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debilitating patient

What can be infected when swimming and how to avoid it

As soon as warm days are established, the first most seasoned citizens open the swimming season. Well, when the heat comes, literally everything rushes to the water. On such days, every reservoir, be it a river, a lake or an elementary pond, on an equipped beach or just on a lawn by the water, is literally no place for the apple to fall. Continue reading

What is dangerous rubella in adults

German measles, rubella rubella, rubella – behind all these names lies rubella, a viral disease related to childhood infections. Children are more susceptible to this infection, but an adult can also become ill. Moreover, there have been more cases of “adult” rubella lately.

Why are adults sick?
It is connected, oddly enough, with total vaccination. Continue reading

Rubella and pregnancy: what is the danger?

Despite the fact that rubella is a so-called childhood infection and children up to 8–9 years old are susceptible to it, adults also suffer from the disease. They, unlike children, the disease is much more severe, its symptoms are more pronounced, and most importantly, it can give serious complications to the brain, internal organs, joints, blood system. Continue reading

Unusual Diseases: Hermaphroditism
What it is? This sexual pathology implies the presence of both male and female sexual characteristics in humans. The name she received on behalf of the son of Aphrodite and…


Causes of hormonal failure in men and women
About 75% of the adult population suffer from various hormonal disorders. The psychoemotional and physical state of a person directly depends on the synthesis of hormones, with the slightest failure…
