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Causes of hormonal failure in men and women

About 75% of the adult population suffer from various hormonal disorders. The psychoemotional and physical state of a person directly depends on the synthesis of hormones, with the slightest failure of this process in the body, a chain of negative reactions is triggered that provoke the development of serious diseases.

Common causes of hormonal failure
Previously, under the hormonal disruption, doctors meant only the pathology of the endocrine system in women, which was expressed in various menstrual disorders. Now under this term have combined many pathologies that are diagnosed both in women and men.

When an imbalance of hormones worsens all metabolic processes and the functionality of the internal organs. Deviations from the norm can occur for completely different reasons, consider the most common.

Constant stress
Failure of the synthesis of hormones can occur after strong nervous shocks, prolonged stress, experiences. With constant anxiety, changes in the nervous structures occur, which affects the state of the endocrine system, which immediately affects the synthesis of hormones.

Unhealthy Lifestyle
This concept includes many external factors. Constant lack of sleep, disturbances of the day, severe physical overload, chronic fatigue syndrome, mental overstrain, lack of fresh air, alcohol abuse and smoking.

Harmful food affects hormonal disorders
Genetic predisposition
If close relatives had similar deviations, then the possibility of hormonal disruption increases several times. Congenital defects of genes violate the synthesis of hormones, to a greater extent the hormonal surge occurs during puberty.

Failure of hormone synthesis can cause both fasting and overeating. Diets or irregular meals lead to a lack of essential nutrients.

Hard diets can lead to irreversible effects. Frequent overeating and excessive amounts of fat in food also negatively affect the hormonal background.

Excess weight
With obesity, hormone synthesis is significantly reduced, which naturally affects the hormones. With an excess of subcutaneous fat metabolism is noticeably disturbed.

Infectious and inflammatory diseases
Difficult respiratory illness and childhood illness can significantly affect the synthesis of hormones. Frequent causes are various sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Puberty period
During puberty, boys and girls may experience hormonal jumps. This is due to the fact that sex hormones are activated in the body and the entire endocrine system is rebuilt under their influence.

The peperty period
Pathology of the kidneys and liver
The level of hormones may vary with impaired liver and kidneys. These organs are responsible for hormonal metabolism, that is, for the exchange and removal of hormones from the body.

Bad ecology
People living in areas with poor ecology are 30% more likely to be hormonally disturbed.

Causes of hormonal failure in women
Insufficient or increased hormone production primarily affects the state of the reproductive system.

Changes in habitual balance are often expressed in malaise, constant fatigue, failure of the menstrual cycle, problems with conception, deterioration of appearance, and nervous disorders. Knowing the causes can prevent a number of serious diseases.

Main reasons:
The onset of menopause is the main cause of hormone synthesis failure. Climax occurs on average after 45 years, it is at this age that the production of sex hormones is reduced.

Pregnancy and childbirth
Changes in the background during pregnancy are a natural process, the body reinforces the production of hormones that contribute to the normal course of pregnancy and provide a physiological course of labor.

Changes may occur during pregnancy
Hormonal drugs
Many women take hormonal contraceptive pills. With the wrong or prolonged use of contraceptives, the natural balance of hormones is disturbed. Also, many medications for treating skin diseases, allergies, or nervous system disorders contain hormones.

Gynecological pathology
Inflammatory-infectious diseases of the reproductive organs (especially the ovaries) affect the synthesis of hormones.

Surgical interventions
Frequent abortions, pelvic surgery, diagnostic laparoscopy, cesarean section – all these factors affect the hormones.

Causes of hormonal failure in men
In men, such disorders are not as common as in women. When an imbalance of hormones in the male body there are problems with potency, which affects the psycho-emotional state.

If you ignore the treatment may develop cardiovascular and mental illness.

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