disease develops
How antibiotics work: when they are effective and useless
Some swallow antibiotics at the slightest coryza, others categorically refuse to take them even with severe pneumonia, considering them terribly harmful. Both that and other approach is absolutely wrong.
Antibiotics really help to cope with many serious infections, but only if taken correctly. Continue reading
Getting rid of coughing right
Cough accompanies many different diseases. It may be minor. In this case, a person has only a slight cough. Or, on the contrary, a cough can become painful. This symptom causes a flood of tears and tearing pain in the chest. These are different types of cough. And with each of them you need to fight right. So, how to treat a cough? And what to look for in order to choose the right treatment? Continue reading
Stem cell use
Most recently, a large center for the harvesting and storage of stem cells has opened in Yekaterinburg. They are actively used in oncohematology, regenerative therapy (heart attack, stroke, diabetes mellitus, Crohn’s disease, autoimmune diseases, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis), in thermal and chemical burns, and in aesthetic medicine. However, the future of the “cell factory” is still uncertain. The fact is that this area of medicine still does not have a sufficient legislative base in Russia, and scientific research is practically not funded. Continue reading