Is elevated temperature a dangerous signal?
Everybody came up with fever, and more than once. Most often it is associated with a cold or flu – the most common viral infections. But it happens that the temperature rises for other reasons, and sometimes, at first glance, for no reason at all. Why is this happening?
To answer this question, let us figure out why the temperature rises at all. Continue reading
In which ear buzzes: with what is tinnitus connected
In which ear rings? Familiar phrase? The appearance of an unpleasant whistling or monotonous ringing in the auricle can seriously annoy a person and reduce the quality of life. However, even with such an unpleasant “special effect” the patient can learn to live and not give it much importance. Meanwhile, the causes of tinnitus are sometimes very serious and require timely treatment. Continue reading
How to distinguish angina from colds
Angina, probably, at least once in a life has had everybody. What is this disease? What are its causes, and most importantly, what to do with angina?
An acute infection that affects mainly the tonsils is a sore throat, or, strictly in a scientific way, acute tonsillitis. Continue reading