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Do adults need vaccines?

Vaccination is often associated with childhood. And many people are confident that once they have entered adulthood, you can forget about vaccinations. And the recommendation to make revaccination (repeated vaccination) is puzzling. Why is this? Doctors say that some vaccinations definitely need to be done to adults. So why are they needed? And what vaccinations are recommended for adults?

Whether to vaccinate adults: 3 indestructible arguments
Healthy people are confident that they have strong immunity, so they are not afraid of infection. The statement is only partially true. If we are talking about a common cold, then a strong immune system will fight back. But there are pathologies with which it is very difficult to cope without additional protection and which can lead to serious consequences in the future. In the fight against them and vaccinated.

Doctors strongly recommend that adults do not refuse mandatory vaccinations. This recommendation is supported by arguments.

Immune protection weakens. Some vaccinations provide lifelong protection. Such vaccinations are given only once in a lifetime. There are vaccinations that provide protection for a certain period. They need to be repeated periodically. If you do not conduct revaccination, the immune defense begins to decline. Sometimes it disappears completely. In this case, the patient becomes an open target for the attack of pathogenic microorganisms.
Adults are ill with childhood diseases. Diphtheria, chickenpox, and measles are often referred to as childhood diseases. Therefore, adults are confident that they can not catch such infections. It is a myth. People at any age can become infected with “childhood” diseases.
In adults, the disease is more severe. Doctors say that “childhood” diseases in adulthood are much more difficult to bear and often cause unpleasant consequences. The exception to this rule is whooping cough. This pathology is difficult only in children.
When thinking about whether adults need vaccinations, some people confidently deny their need. After all, without any revaccinations, they survived to gray hair and did not get sick. And there are many such people. This protection was provided by “collective immunity”. Thanks to the population that was vaccinated in time, it was possible to stop the circulation of the infection.
How to find out about vaccination
All vaccinations are recorded in a card or in a special vaccination certificate. Sometimes documents can get lost. How to be in this case?

You can learn about vaccinations on the vaccination schedule.
There is a specific vaccination schedule. All childhood vaccinations are carried out according to such a schedule. Therefore, most likely, the person received all the necessary vaccinations. The exception happens in two cases:

a history of serious illnesses that cannot be vaccinated;
parents of the child are active opponents of vaccinations.
Analyzes indicating vaccination
To accurately determine whether vaccinations were carried out, you can consult a doctor. They will prescribe special tests for the content of type G immunoglobulins in the body. These are proteins that are produced in response to the vaccination. It is they who resist the virus. They are also called antibodies to the disease from which the person was vaccinated.

It is usually recommended to diagnose:

RPGA (reaction of passive hemagglutination). Such a blood test can detect antibodies to tetanus, measles, diphtheria, and mumps.
ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). It characterizes the presence in the blood of immunoglobulins for hepatitis B, rubella, whooping cough.
If the content of antibodies is low, the doctor will advise an adult to make appropriate vaccinations.
What vaccines should be given to adults: compulsory and recommended vaccinations
When compiling the vaccination schedule, physicians always take into account the epidemiological features of the region. Therefore, the patient may be recommended not only mandatory vaccination, but also vaccinations for those diseases that are progressing in the country.

Mandatory vaccinations
A pediatrician, a kindergarten teacher or a school teacher will surely remind you of the need to vaccinate children. And adults are not warned about the timing of immunization. Therefore, the entire responsibility for revaccination falls on the shoulders of the patient himself.

From certain diseases it is necessary to vaccinate
So, when and which vaccinations do doctors advise adults to do? Immunologists recommend sticking to the schedule:

Vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough. It is carried out every 10 years. In childhood, the last three-component vaccine is introduced into the body at the age of 16. The next revaccination should take place at 26 years old. Adults whooping cough component is usually not included in the vaccine. It is believed that this disease is terrible only for a child. But doctors recommend not excluding pertussis vaccine, because a strong, hysterical cough is always unpleasant.
Vaccination against rubella, measles and parotiditis. From such diseases it is recommended to be vaccinated at the age of 22-29. Repeat the procedure every 10 years. Sometimes there is a recommendation that it is possible to be vaccinated against measles and mumps in 20-30 years.

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