Reasons to seek advice from genetics
What does a geneticist do? Medical genetics is a part of human genetics that studies diseases and pathologies caused by heredity. A geneticist studies hereditary diseases and the conditions under…

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Why do men harder disease?
How many jokes on this topic sounded: it seems to be a stronger sex, but how little the temperature rises - well, it just dies. So they consider women of…

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Unusual Diseases: Hermaphroditism
What it is? This sexual pathology implies the presence of both male and female sexual characteristics in humans. The name she received on behalf of the son of Aphrodite and…

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pot of honey was found

When honey can be harmful to the body

Honey has long been perceived as a panacea for most, if not all, diseases. It strengthens the immune system, helps fight colds and even strengthens the heart. However, is everything known about the golden sticky delicacy? And can honey harm a person?

Honey: the beneficial properties of the product and its harm
People got acquainted with the healing power of honey in the ancient world. Continue reading

Nothing to breathe: what to do with nasal congestion
If it comes to nasal congestion, then a picture of a cold person appears in my head instantly. Unhappy necessarily keeps a thermometer in one hand, showing the temperature, and…


SARS in children: how to avoid colds
With the onset of the “cold season”, every resident of a megacity inevitably raises the question of the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) and other airborne infections. Being…
