What is not to get sick
Our immune system constantly protects us from many different pathogens: viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa. But sometimes the immune system weakens, and then the disease takes over. To maintain the immune…

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How we age: what happens to us and how to deal with it
In 20 years you don’t think about old age, but after 30 you start to feel the inexorable movement of time. Is it possible to postpone the natural aging process?…

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Grandmother's methods: why do I need an iodine net?
Older people remember that in childhood, with bruises or colds, mothers painted a grid with iodine on their bodies. And today, many have not refused such treatment. And what helps…

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but deep puncture

Chest pain is not a heart problem

If there is pain in the chest, then the first thing we suspect is heart pain. However, doctors say that about 25% of patients referring to them for alleged heart pain, suffer from completely different diseases. Indeed, in the chest is not only the heart muscle. Other organs can also signal a problem with chest pains. Continue reading

How to distinguish angina from colds
Angina, probably, at least once in a life has had everybody. What is this disease? What are its causes, and most importantly, what to do with angina? An acute infection…


How to treat bronchitis: the basic rules
What is bronchitis and why does it occur Under bronchitis understand inflammatory disease that affects the bronchi, or rather, the bronchial mucosa. There is bronchitis for various reasons and can…
