Non-child problems: the danger of measles in adults
Although it is considered a pediatric infection, measles may well affect an adult. Is an adult likely to become infected? Does he need to be vaccinated against the disease? How…

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How antibiotics work: when they are effective and useless
Some swallow antibiotics at the slightest coryza, others categorically refuse to take them even with severe pneumonia, considering them terribly harmful. Both that and other approach is absolutely wrong. Antibiotics…

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Alzheimer's Disease: How an "Elderly" Disease Progresses
This serious, incurable disease brings horror to people. After all, it is characterized by the fact that a person gradually completely loses his identity. And statistics is relentless: the number…

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blood vessels

Is it possible to cure a cold in one day?

No one is immune to cold. And for some reason, she always overtakes us at the wrong time: before the exam in charge, on the eve of an important meeting, during a hijacking at work. How to quickly cure a cold, preferably in 1 day? And is it possible?

Relieve cold symptoms
The saying about a cured cold that goes through in a week, and an untreated one – in 7 days, was not in vain. Continue reading

Identify the pathology of the fetus has become easier. DOT test
The birth of a child is a great happiness in the life of a family. And of course, every mother first of all wants her child to be born healthy.…


How we age: what happens to us and how to deal with it
In 20 years you don’t think about old age, but after 30 you start to feel the inexorable movement of time. Is it possible to postpone the natural aging process?…
