Is it possible to cure a cold in one day?
No one is immune to cold. And for some reason, she always overtakes us at the wrong time: before the exam in charge, on the eve of an important meeting,…

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Alzheimer's Disease: How an "Elderly" Disease Progresses
This serious, incurable disease brings horror to people. After all, it is characterized by the fact that a person gradually completely loses his identity. And statistics is relentless: the number…

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Causes of hormonal failure in men and women
About 75% of the adult population suffer from various hormonal disorders. The psychoemotional and physical state of a person directly depends on the synthesis of hormones, with the slightest failure…

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Together with sweat

There is a question: is it possible to take a bath with a cold

In a person’s life there are many beliefs. Do not go ahead if the black cat crossed the road, do not show the wedding dress to the groom before the celebration, do not swim if you have a cold. It is completely incomprehensible who came up with such rules and when, but most people strictly follow them. And if someone violates such rules, then others immediately wait for “retribution”. So, let’s try to figure out whether you can take a bath with a cold. Is this a myth or truth? Continue reading

Otitis in a child: what to do
The kid has an earache. He complains or, if he still does not know how to speak, he cries, does not sleep well and does not eat well. Almost every…


Gaucher disease
A rare hereditary disease, characterized by the fact that the patient in the cells of bones and internal organs accumulate fats of a certain type - glucocerebrosides. Gaucher disease is…
