In which ear buzzes: with what is tinnitus connected
In which ear rings? Familiar phrase? The appearance of an unpleasant whistling or monotonous ringing in the auricle can seriously annoy a person and reduce the quality of life. However,…

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Reasons to seek advice from genetics
What does a geneticist do? Medical genetics is a part of human genetics that studies diseases and pathologies caused by heredity. A geneticist studies hereditary diseases and the conditions under…

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What is dangerous rubella in adults
German measles, rubella rubella, rubella - behind all these names lies rubella, a viral disease related to childhood infections. Children are more susceptible to this infection, but an adult can…

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body from the outside

Is elevated temperature a dangerous signal?

Everybody came up with fever, and more than once. Most often it is associated with a cold or flu – the most common viral infections. But it happens that the temperature rises for other reasons, and sometimes, at first glance, for no reason at all. Why is this happening?

To answer this question, let us figure out why the temperature rises at all. Continue reading

SARS in children: how to avoid colds
With the onset of the “cold season”, every resident of a megacity inevitably raises the question of the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) and other airborne infections. Being…


Hereditary diseases
Hereditary diseases are diseases caused by chromosomal and gene mutations. Some confuse hereditary diseases with congenital diseases. Indeed, congenital diseases, that is, diseases with which a child is born, may…
