How to escape when everyone around is sick?
Since autumn, the cold season begins, a little later the flu epidemic comes to us. And so it goes on all winter: coughing, sneezing, smarting citizens surround us on the…

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Causes of lingering cough
Cough is always accompanied by many unpleasant moments. First, it causes pain in the throat, chest. Secondly, a coughing fit can completely disrupt night sleep. And not only the most…

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Nothing to breathe: what to do with nasal congestion
If it comes to nasal congestion, then a picture of a cold person appears in my head instantly. Unhappy necessarily keeps a thermometer in one hand, showing the temperature, and…

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Monthly Archives: June 2019

The dangers of beach holidays in the winter

Sunbathing, swimming, enjoying exotic dishes, admiring the lush nature is a very tempting prospect, especially when it is winter, frost and snow at home. But in order for such a holiday to succeed, not end in troubles, spoiled by mood, health problems, it will be useful to know about the dangers that may lie in wait for a tourist in hot countries. Continue reading

How to escape when everyone around is sick?

Since autumn, the cold season begins, a little later the flu epidemic comes to us. And so it goes on all winter: coughing, sneezing, smarting citizens surround us on the street, in transport, in the office. Well, if someone from the family gets sick, then it’s generally very difficult to protect oneself. Continue reading

In which ear buzzes: with what is tinnitus connected
In which ear rings? Familiar phrase? The appearance of an unpleasant whistling or monotonous ringing in the auricle can seriously annoy a person and reduce the quality of life. However,…


How we age: what happens to us and how to deal with it
In 20 years you don’t think about old age, but after 30 you start to feel the inexorable movement of time. Is it possible to postpone the natural aging process?…
