Why do men harder disease?
How many jokes on this topic sounded: it seems to be a stronger sex, but how little the temperature rises - well, it just dies. So they consider women of…

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How to distinguish angina from colds
Angina, probably, at least once in a life has had everybody. What is this disease? What are its causes, and most importantly, what to do with angina? An acute infection…

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Rubella and pregnancy: what is the danger?
Despite the fact that rubella is a so-called childhood infection and children up to 8–9 years old are susceptible to it, adults also suffer from the disease. They, unlike children,…

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activate the smallest

In which ear buzzes: with what is tinnitus connected

In which ear rings? Familiar phrase? The appearance of an unpleasant whistling or monotonous ringing in the auricle can seriously annoy a person and reduce the quality of life. However, even with such an unpleasant “special effect” the patient can learn to live and not give it much importance. Meanwhile, the causes of tinnitus are sometimes very serious and require timely treatment. Continue reading

When honey can be harmful to the body
Honey has long been perceived as a panacea for most, if not all, diseases. It strengthens the immune system, helps fight colds and even strengthens the heart. However, is everything…


High-risk oncogenic HPV: what is the danger?
Ordinary wart and malignant tumor - what do they have in common? No, no, the wart does not turn into cancer. However, there is something that unites them - is…
