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8 reasons for early gray hair

Over the years, with us, someone earlier, others later, the hair begins to turn gray. This is quite normal, although it does not please us. But sometimes gray strands are found in very young people who have not even turned thirty. What is it? Pathology? And can this process be prevented?

Why does our hair have a different color?
Our hair can be dark, light, red in various shades due to melanin. This pigment is produced in special cells – melanocytes and, penetrating into the hair follicles, gives them a different color. In dark tones, hair dyes eumelanin, in golden and red – feomelanin. A variety of shades and tones gives the mixing of these pigments.

Melanin is formed with the participation of sex hormones, as well as hormones produced by the pituitary and thyroid.

How does gray hair appear?
With age, all body functions decrease, including melanocytes. They produce less pigment, and we first have separate gray hair, and then whole strands. Over time, melanocytes die, but new cells no longer appear. And hair without pigment turn white. In addition, they become brittle, dry, hard.

When should the first gray hair appear?
It is considered the norm, if the first gray hair is manifested by the age of 35-40, as the melanocytes become less active from the age of 30. However, all this is very individual. Much depends on heredity – on when gray hair appeared from your parents. Brunettes and brunettes used to turn white.

It is considered premature gray hair, which appeared to thirty years of age.

What caused the early graying?
1. Some diseases contribute to the premature appearance of gray hair.

This, in particular:

disruption of the thyroid gland, sex glands;
endocrine pathologies, in particular diabetes mellitus;
Vitiligo – a violation of pigmentation;
iron deficiency in the body (anemia);
diseases of the digestive system when the body cannot absorb biologically active substances;
diseases of cerebral vessels in which the nutrition of the scalp is disturbed.

2. The second reason for the early gray strands are severe stressful situations.

Under stress, adrenaline is released, and it prevents melanin from entering the hair. As a result, menaline is produced less and the hair turns white.

3. Lack of some vitamins (A, B10) and essential minerals can cause premature graying.

Vitamin-mineral imbalance can be caused by illness, malnutrition, and the use of various diets.

4. Early gray hair can appear when there is a protein deficiency.

In particular, it is noted: in people who adhere to vegetarianism, gray hair is observed earlier.

5. Some medications and chemotherapy also contribute to blooming.

6. Solar radiation is not only harmful for the skin, it provokes premature gray hair.

7. The risk group includes smokers.

8. Promotes early gray hair improper care for our hair.

In particular, the fascination with chemical perm, the use of hot hair dryers, forceps, hair dyes with hydrogen peroxide, aggressive shampoos and even shampooing with too hot water – all this is not the best way affects the hair, disrupting the pigmentation process.

Is it possible to prevent premature gray hair?
It is impossible to return the grayed strands to the previous form with any pills and procedures – gray hair is irreversible. But you can try to slow down the process of graying. True, not everything depends on us. So, we cannot influence the heredity, some chronic diseases cannot be completely cured at the present stage. But to give up bad habits, to fully eat, not to abuse the tan, to spare hair – this is fully within our powers.

You can contact the problem of early gray hair to the trichologist – a specialist in hair diseases. There are both drugs and special shampoos that can slow the appearance of gray hair. How much this treatment helps depends on many factors, and it is not always effective.

In this case, the output will be hair coloring, the benefit of today is the sale of hair dyes of any color and shade.

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