How antibiotics work: when they are effective and useless
Some swallow antibiotics at the slightest coryza, others categorically refuse to take them even with severe pneumonia, considering them terribly harmful. Both that and other approach is absolutely wrong. Antibiotics…

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Hereditary diseases
Hereditary diseases are diseases caused by chromosomal and gene mutations. Some confuse hereditary diseases with congenital diseases. Indeed, congenital diseases, that is, diseases with which a child is born, may…

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Reasons to seek advice from genetics
What does a geneticist do? Medical genetics is a part of human genetics that studies diseases and pathologies caused by heredity. A geneticist studies hereditary diseases and the conditions under…

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older people

What can be infected when swimming and how to avoid it

As soon as warm days are established, the first most seasoned citizens open the swimming season. Well, when the heat comes, literally everything rushes to the water. On such days, every reservoir, be it a river, a lake or an elementary pond, on an equipped beach or just on a lawn by the water, is literally no place for the apple to fall. Continue reading

Unusual Diseases: Aarskog Syndrome
Aarskog syndrome, also known as Aaskorg – Scott syndrome, or faciesigiogenital dysplasia, is a very rare hereditary disease: it occurs in one person in a million. It manifests itself with…


Differences of viral infection from bacterial
Acute respiratory diseases always appear inappropriate. Yesterday the body was full of strength, but today weakness, fever, runny nose just fell down. To find the right treatment, you need to…
