Is elevated temperature a dangerous signal?
Everybody came up with fever, and more than once. Most often it is associated with a cold or flu - the most common viral infections. But it happens that the…

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SARS in children: how to avoid colds
With the onset of the “cold season”, every resident of a megacity inevitably raises the question of the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) and other airborne infections. Being…

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Otitis in a child: what to do
The kid has an earache. He complains or, if he still does not know how to speak, he cries, does not sleep well and does not eat well. Almost every…

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degree relationship

What mental diseases are inherited

Are mental diseases inherited? This question worries many parents. After all, it is very scary to “reward” your child with a mental disorder.

How are mental illnesses transmitted?
The fact that mental illness can be inherited, it was noticed long ago. Today, geneticists confirm: indeed, mental disorders are more likely to occur in a child in a family where a relative has suffered from a similar ailment. Continue reading

Influenza and SARS in children with allergies. How to help the child?
Do you know the situation when a child is like a few days in a kindergarten, and then for 2-3 weeks he is ill at home? Everything is even worse…


How to distinguish angina from colds
Angina, probably, at least once in a life has had everybody. What is this disease? What are its causes, and most importantly, what to do with angina? An acute infection…
