What can be infected when swimming and how to avoid it
As soon as warm days are established, the first most seasoned citizens open the swimming season. Well, when the heat comes, literally everything rushes to the water. On such days,…

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What is not to get sick
Our immune system constantly protects us from many different pathogens: viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa. But sometimes the immune system weakens, and then the disease takes over. To maintain the immune…

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Differences of viral infection from bacterial
Acute respiratory diseases always appear inappropriate. Yesterday the body was full of strength, but today weakness, fever, runny nose just fell down. To find the right treatment, you need to…

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contagiousness index

Immunomodulators and immunostimulants: the truth and myths about magic pills

If they used to say that all diseases are from nerves, now they are blamed for weakened immunity. In order to strengthen it, a large number of various means are proposed – immunomodulators (regulating the immune system) and immunostimulants (enhancing immunity). Advertising promises that as soon as you begin to take these miracle pills, your immunity will be strengthened and all diseases will recede. Is it so? Continue reading

Getting rid of coughing right

Cough accompanies many different diseases. It may be minor. In this case, a person has only a slight cough. Or, on the contrary, a cough can become painful. This symptom causes a flood of tears and tearing pain in the chest. These are different types of cough. And with each of them you need to fight right. So, how to treat a cough? And what to look for in order to choose the right treatment? Continue reading

Non-child problems: the danger of measles in adults

Although it is considered a pediatric infection, measles may well affect an adult. Is an adult likely to become infected? Does he need to be vaccinated against the disease? How to understand that this is exactly measles, not flu, for example? And what is the danger of measles?

How can you get infected?
The measles virus (its causative agent) is transmitted only by airborne droplets: it is released into the air by the sick during coughing, sneezing and even breathing and gets on the mucous membranes of the nose and oral cavity of others. Continue reading

When honey can be harmful to the body
Honey has long been perceived as a panacea for most, if not all, diseases. It strengthens the immune system, helps fight colds and even strengthens the heart. However, is everything…


How to distinguish angina from colds
Angina, probably, at least once in a life has had everybody. What is this disease? What are its causes, and most importantly, what to do with angina? An acute infection…
