Non-child problems: the danger of measles in adults
Although it is considered a pediatric infection, measles may well affect an adult. Is an adult likely to become infected? Does he need to be vaccinated against the disease? How…

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How antibiotics work: when they are effective and useless
Some swallow antibiotics at the slightest coryza, others categorically refuse to take them even with severe pneumonia, considering them terribly harmful. Both that and other approach is absolutely wrong. Antibiotics…

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Gaucher disease
A rare hereditary disease, characterized by the fact that the patient in the cells of bones and internal organs accumulate fats of a certain type - glucocerebrosides. Gaucher disease is…

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causes and diseases

Why does a person snore in a dream

According to medical records, snoring is observed in 25% of the adult population. As a rule, a snoring person does not feel discomfort, first of all, close people who can not sleep at night because of loud snoring suffer. But why does a person snore in a dream and is it worth sounding the alarm? To understand how to deal with this problem, it is necessary to get acquainted with the possible causes of snoring. Continue reading

The influence of the man’s age on the child’s health
The fact that the age of a woman affects the future baby, the risk of developing pathologies in it, is known to many: when a pregnant woman is over 35,…


Non-child problems: the danger of measles in adults
Although it is considered a pediatric infection, measles may well affect an adult. Is an adult likely to become infected? Does he need to be vaccinated against the disease? How…
