Causes of lingering cough
Cough is always accompanied by many unpleasant moments. First, it causes pain in the throat, chest. Secondly, a coughing fit can completely disrupt night sleep. And not only the most…

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What is dangerous rubella in adults
German measles, rubella rubella, rubella - behind all these names lies rubella, a viral disease related to childhood infections. Children are more susceptible to this infection, but an adult can…

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Is elevated temperature a dangerous signal?
Everybody came up with fever, and more than once. Most often it is associated with a cold or flu - the most common viral infections. But it happens that the…

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blood pressure and prevent

In which ear buzzes: with what is tinnitus connected

In which ear rings? Familiar phrase? The appearance of an unpleasant whistling or monotonous ringing in the auricle can seriously annoy a person and reduce the quality of life. However, even with such an unpleasant “special effect” the patient can learn to live and not give it much importance. Meanwhile, the causes of tinnitus are sometimes very serious and require timely treatment. Continue reading

Nothing to breathe: what to do with nasal congestion

If it comes to nasal congestion, then a picture of a cold person appears in my head instantly. Unhappy necessarily keeps a thermometer in one hand, showing the temperature, and in the other a bunch of handkerchiefs, with which he wipes a red, swollen nose. Familiar, is not it?

But nasal congestion is not always accompanied by a cold. Moreover, the absence of normal breathing is not always a symptom of a cold. So, what can the nasal congestion signal without a cold? And is it possible to ignore such a symptom? Continue reading

What is not to get sick
Our immune system constantly protects us from many different pathogens: viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa. But sometimes the immune system weakens, and then the disease takes over. To maintain the immune…


Tonsil hypertrophy
Hypertrophy, or, more simply, enlarged tonsils is quite common in children under 10–12 years old. Adults suffer from this pathology much less often. Before we talk about hypertrophy of the…
