Do adults need vaccines?
Vaccination is often associated with childhood. And many people are confident that once they have entered adulthood, you can forget about vaccinations. And the recommendation to make revaccination (repeated vaccination)…

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Differences of viral infection from bacterial
Acute respiratory diseases always appear inappropriate. Yesterday the body was full of strength, but today weakness, fever, runny nose just fell down. To find the right treatment, you need to…

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What mental diseases are inherited
Are mental diseases inherited? This question worries many parents. After all, it is very scary to “reward” your child with a mental disorder. How are mental illnesses transmitted? The fact…

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Unusual Diseases: Stone Man Syndrome

The stone man’s syndrome in medicine is called progressive ossifying fibrodysplasia, or Müncheimer’s disease. This is a genetic pathology that is caused by a mutation of the gene responsible for bone formation. Its essence lies in the fact that the patient ligaments and muscles turn into bones, as a result, a person ossifies or stiffens. Hence the name – stone man syndrome.

This disease is known since the end of the XVII century, then it was first described. The disease is extremely rare. Now, according to various sources, there are 600, 800 or 2500 patients in the world. Continue reading

What is Klinefelter syndrome?

Klinefelter syndrome is a genetic pathology of men, based on endocrine disorders caused by additional female chromosomes in the set of sex chromosomes. This is a fairly common genetic disease. According to statistics, 0.2% of men are susceptible to it, and among endocrine disorders, Klinefelter syndrome ranks third (diabetes mellitus in the first place, and thyrotoxicosis in the second). But according to the same statistics, only 50% of cases are diagnosed. Continue reading

Alzheimer’s Disease: How an “Elderly” Disease Progresses

This serious, incurable disease brings horror to people. After all, it is characterized by the fact that a person gradually completely loses his identity. And statistics is relentless: the number of victims of this disease is steadily increasing, and it is even called the epidemic of the XXI century. Continue reading

Hereditary diseases
Hereditary diseases are diseases caused by chromosomal and gene mutations. Some confuse hereditary diseases with congenital diseases. Indeed, congenital diseases, that is, diseases with which a child is born, may…


Why do men harder disease?
How many jokes on this topic sounded: it seems to be a stronger sex, but how little the temperature rises - well, it just dies. So they consider women of…
