How to distinguish angina from colds
Angina, probably, at least once in a life has had everybody. What is this disease? What are its causes, and most importantly, what to do with angina? An acute infection…

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What mental diseases are inherited
Are mental diseases inherited? This question worries many parents. After all, it is very scary to “reward” your child with a mental disorder. How are mental illnesses transmitted? The fact…

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Causes of lingering cough
Cough is always accompanied by many unpleasant moments. First, it causes pain in the throat, chest. Secondly, a coughing fit can completely disrupt night sleep. And not only the most…

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The dangers of beach holidays in the winter

Sunbathing, swimming, enjoying exotic dishes, admiring the lush nature is a very tempting prospect, especially when it is winter, frost and snow at home. But in order for such a holiday to succeed, not end in troubles, spoiled by mood, health problems, it will be useful to know about the dangers that may lie in wait for a tourist in hot countries. Continue reading

How to escape when everyone around is sick?

Since autumn, the cold season begins, a little later the flu epidemic comes to us. And so it goes on all winter: coughing, sneezing, smarting citizens surround us on the street, in transport, in the office. Well, if someone from the family gets sick, then it’s generally very difficult to protect oneself. Continue reading

The dangers of beach holidays in the winter
Sunbathing, swimming, enjoying exotic dishes, admiring the lush nature is a very tempting prospect, especially when it is winter, frost and snow at home. But in order for such a…


Immunomodulators and immunostimulants: the truth and myths about magic pills
If they used to say that all diseases are from nerves, now they are blamed for weakened immunity. In order to strengthen it, a large number of various means are…
