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Why does a person snore in a dream

According to medical records, snoring is observed in 25% of the adult population. As a rule, a snoring person does not feel discomfort, first of all, close people who can not sleep at night because of loud snoring suffer. But why does a person snore in a dream and is it worth sounding the alarm? To understand how to deal with this problem, it is necessary to get acquainted with the possible causes of snoring.

Where does snoring come from – causes and consequences
Snoring not only adversely affects the quality of family life, but can also be a harbinger of a number of serious diseases.

In medicine, the causes of snoring are divided into two large groups: the first is the narrowing of the upper respiratory tract, the second is the excessive relaxation of the tissues of the pharynx. Consider in detail the factors, causes and diseases that cause snoring.

Reason number 1 – the deviation of the nasal septum
This is the most common cause of snoring in a dream. The curvature of the bony nasal septum can be either congenital or acquired. Most often this defect appears due to injuries.

The curvature of the nasal septum entails snoring in a dream
With curvature of the septum it is impossible to smoothly pass the air flow into the nasopharynx. In addition, this pathology contributes to the development of chronic hypertrophic rhinitis (rhinitis), which further complicates nasal breathing.

Reason number 2 – congenital anomalies
Snoring can cause congenital malformations of the oropharynx. These include: an elongated uvula, a long palate, and a large, fleshy tongue. Abnormally developed organs during sleep partially overlap the lumen of the pharynx, as a result of which it is difficult for air to travel along the upper airways and snoring occurs. Typically, this defect is combined with congenital weakness of the muscles of the palate, which aggravates the vibration of tissues during breathing during sleep.

Reason number 3 – inflammation of the tonsils
Palatine tonsils can be exaggerated with various infectious diseases (tonsillitis, scarlet fever). Inflamed tonsils constrict the lumen of the oropharynx, which must get air when breathing.

As a result, the air hardly passes through the oropharynx and causes significant muscle oscillations and, as a result, snoring. The breathing of a person with enlarged tonsils is difficult during the daytime. Tonsil tissue grows heavily with frequent colds, such patients show surgery.

Reason number 4 – adenoid growths
Adenoids are called growths of the pharyngeal tonsil as a result of the chronic inflammatory process. Pathology may be infectious or allergic in origin.

Adenoid growth is more common in children
The patient’s breathing becomes loud, sometimes whistling, the person has difficulty in breathing air. The disease can cause hearing loss. Most often adenoids occur in children.

Reason number 5 – polyps in the nose
Polyps are a fairly common disease that causes snoring. In the early stages, polyps are not inconvenient, but if untreated, they may increase.

Such benign growths in the nasal and paranasal cavities block free access of air, make breathing difficult and lead to permanent nasal congestion.

Symptoms of polyps except for strong snoring are constant nasal congestion, nasal discharge, impaired sense of smell.

Reason number 6 – constant rhinitis
Acute respiratory infections of the upper respiratory tract are accompanied by swelling of the nasal mucosa and temporary narrowing of the nasal passages. Mucus prevents the free passage of air into the lungs, a person is forced to breathe through his mouth. Trying to breathe through a stuffy nose in a dream, a person begins to snore.

Reason number 7 – overweight
People who are obese snore much more often than others. Excess fat in the neck puts pressure on the upper airway airways. In obesity, involuntary breath holdings during sleep (apnea) occur much more frequently.

An interesting fact: the lack of oxygen in the sleep during snoring slows down the metabolism and leads to an even greater degree of obesity.
Reason number 8 – taking tranquilizers and alcohol
Pharmaceutical preparations with a sedative effect lead to relaxation of the muscular muscles of a person. The same effect has alcohol.

Alcohol causes snoring
Taking alcohol before a night’s sleep can cause snoring even in people who have not had such a feature before. In order not to wake up at night from your own snoring, you should drink moderately at least 2 hours before sleep, or completely abandon this unhealthy habit.

Reason # 9 – age deformations
In older people, overall muscle tone is significantly reduced. During a night’s sleep, the weakened muscle tissues of the pharynx sag, causing breathing to cause severe fluctuations in the palatal tissues, which causes strong snoring.

Overweight and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract exacerbate the situation. Therefore, in old age, snoring is considered commonplace.

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