When honey can be harmful to the body
Honey has long been perceived as a panacea for most, if not all, diseases. It strengthens the immune system, helps fight colds and even strengthens the heart. However, is everything…

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Gaucher disease
A rare hereditary disease, characterized by the fact that the patient in the cells of bones and internal organs accumulate fats of a certain type - glucocerebrosides. Gaucher disease is…

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What mental diseases are inherited
Are mental diseases inherited? This question worries many parents. After all, it is very scary to “reward” your child with a mental disorder. How are mental illnesses transmitted? The fact…

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nasopharynx and caries

Is it possible to cure a cold in one day?
No one is immune to cold. And for some reason, she always overtakes us at the wrong time: before the exam in charge, on the eve of an important meeting,…


How antibiotics work: when they are effective and useless
Some swallow antibiotics at the slightest coryza, others categorically refuse to take them even with severe pneumonia, considering them terribly harmful. Both that and other approach is absolutely wrong. Antibiotics…
