Non-child problems: the danger of measles in adults
Although it is considered a pediatric infection, measles may well affect an adult. Is an adult likely to become infected? Does he need to be vaccinated against the disease? How…

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Do adults need vaccines?
Vaccination is often associated with childhood. And many people are confident that once they have entered adulthood, you can forget about vaccinations. And the recommendation to make revaccination (repeated vaccination)…

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How to escape when everyone around is sick?
Since autumn, the cold season begins, a little later the flu epidemic comes to us. And so it goes on all winter: coughing, sneezing, smarting citizens surround us on the…

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muscle groups

Alzheimer’s Disease: How an “Elderly” Disease Progresses

This serious, incurable disease brings horror to people. After all, it is characterized by the fact that a person gradually completely loses his identity. And statistics is relentless: the number of victims of this disease is steadily increasing, and it is even called the epidemic of the XXI century. Continue reading

Why does genital herpes appear
There are diseases that are simply not accepted to speak out loud. It is a shame with them to go to the doctor and live very uncomfortable. This is the…


What is Klinefelter syndrome?
Klinefelter syndrome is a genetic pathology of men, based on endocrine disorders caused by additional female chromosomes in the set of sex chromosomes. This is a fairly common genetic disease.…
