What is not to get sick
Our immune system constantly protects us from many different pathogens: viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa. But sometimes the immune system weakens, and then the disease takes over. To maintain the immune…

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Otitis in a child: what to do
The kid has an earache. He complains or, if he still does not know how to speak, he cries, does not sleep well and does not eat well. Almost every…

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Gaucher disease
A rare hereditary disease, characterized by the fact that the patient in the cells of bones and internal organs accumulate fats of a certain type - glucocerebrosides. Gaucher disease is…

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debilitating patient

Getting rid of coughing right

Cough accompanies many different diseases. It may be minor. In this case, a person has only a slight cough. Or, on the contrary, a cough can become painful. This symptom causes a flood of tears and tearing pain in the chest. These are different types of cough. And with each of them you need to fight right. So, how to treat a cough? And what to look for in order to choose the right treatment? Continue reading

What is dangerous rubella in adults
German measles, rubella rubella, rubella - behind all these names lies rubella, a viral disease related to childhood infections. Children are more susceptible to this infection, but an adult can…


How we age: what happens to us and how to deal with it
In 20 years you don’t think about old age, but after 30 you start to feel the inexorable movement of time. Is it possible to postpone the natural aging process?…
