Getting rid of coughing right
Cough accompanies many different diseases. It may be minor. In this case, a person has only a slight cough. Or, on the contrary, a cough can become painful. This symptom…

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Unusual Diseases: Aarskog Syndrome
Aarskog syndrome, also known as Aaskorg – Scott syndrome, or faciesigiogenital dysplasia, is a very rare hereditary disease: it occurs in one person in a million. It manifests itself with…

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Do adults need vaccines?
Vaccination is often associated with childhood. And many people are confident that once they have entered adulthood, you can forget about vaccinations. And the recommendation to make revaccination (repeated vaccination)…

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can merge into one common

SARS in children: how to avoid colds

With the onset of the “cold season”, every resident of a megacity inevitably raises the question of the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) and other airborne infections. Being sick is unprofitable. Neither economically (adequate treatment results in a serious amount), nor socially (a rare employer will treat with understanding an employee who often goes to the hospital). Continue reading

Why does a person snore in a dream
According to medical records, snoring is observed in 25% of the adult population. As a rule, a snoring person does not feel discomfort, first of all, close people who can…


Why do men harder disease?
How many jokes on this topic sounded: it seems to be a stronger sex, but how little the temperature rises - well, it just dies. So they consider women of…
