What mental diseases are inherited
Are mental diseases inherited? This question worries many parents. After all, it is very scary to “reward” your child with a mental disorder. How are mental illnesses transmitted? The fact…

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What is Klinefelter syndrome?
Klinefelter syndrome is a genetic pathology of men, based on endocrine disorders caused by additional female chromosomes in the set of sex chromosomes. This is a fairly common genetic disease.…

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Identify the pathology of the fetus has become easier. DOT test
The birth of a child is a great happiness in the life of a family. And of course, every mother first of all wants her child to be born healthy.…

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and they must

Immunomodulators and immunostimulants: the truth and myths about magic pills

If they used to say that all diseases are from nerves, now they are blamed for weakened immunity. In order to strengthen it, a large number of various means are proposed – immunomodulators (regulating the immune system) and immunostimulants (enhancing immunity). Advertising promises that as soon as you begin to take these miracle pills, your immunity will be strengthened and all diseases will recede. Is it so? Continue reading

Nothing to breathe: what to do with nasal congestion
If it comes to nasal congestion, then a picture of a cold person appears in my head instantly. Unhappy necessarily keeps a thermometer in one hand, showing the temperature, and…


Chest pain is not a heart problem
If there is pain in the chest, then the first thing we suspect is heart pain. However, doctors say that about 25% of patients referring to them for alleged heart…
